Postdoctoral researcher in magnetic resonance imaging

Postdoctoral researcher in magnetic resonance imaging to characterize reference biomass and identify markers of biomass properties and reactivity in bioconversion

A 12-m fully funded postdoctoral position in the field of magnetic resonance imaging of plant biomass in a context of bioconversion is available at the BIA-BIBS lab, embedded in the INRAE institute in Nantes, France.


The architecture of biomass is highly complex and variable across species, and can be defined as a continuum of
spatial scales ranging from molecules to particles, polymers, nano-structures, assemblies, cells and tissues. These
scales are highly interconnected and reflect not only the chemical and structural properties of biomass, but above
all its reactivity to transformation processes such as chemical, physical, mechanical or biological reactions.

This post-doctoral contract is part of the project « La Biomasse à toutes les échelles pour comprendre ses
propriétés » (FillingGaps, ANR-23-PEBB-0006, 2023-2026) funded by the French ANR agency through the
program PEPR B-BEST (Programme et Equipement Prioritaire de Recherche Biomasse, biotechnologies,
technologies pour la chimie verte et les énergies renouvelables) co-led by IFPEN and INRAE. The aim of the project
is to develop multi-scale approaches, for representative biomass species, in order to establish relationships
between scales with a view to highlighting markers of biomass properties and reactivity. Within this project, you
will take part in the Correlative Imaging task, and interact with the Mass-spectrometry imaging, Atomic Force
microscopy, Raman spectroscopy team members in order to develop common techniques and tools to
characterize reference plant biomass types at different complementary length-scales.
In particular, you will develop µMRI data acquisition at 9.4 T and associated image analysis methods to study
water distribution and mobility at tissue level in maize and poplar stalks, as well as in marine biomass.
You will work also in collaboration with two other post-doctoral fellows, who will be recruited as part of the
project. One will deploy mass spectrometry imaging, vibrational Raman spectroscopy and atomic force
microscopy, the second will work on methods allowing all image modalities to be merged in order to provide an
integrative vision of the complementary information they convey.

This position is available within the BIBS platform, interacting with the Plant cell wall and polymers (PVPP) team,
two highly collaborative teams working at the interface of technical development and application in plant

You will present your results at leading international conferences in MRI and/or plant spectroscopy, and will
publish in peer review journals.
Your work will be supervised Dr Catherine Deborde. The anticipated start date is October 1, 2024, but reasonable
accommodations can be made for the right candidate.

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Date de modification : 24 juin 2024 | Date de création : 24 juin 2024 | Rédaction : VL