Publications des années précédentes

Publications des années précédentes

Publications 2019

  • Bonnin, E.; Alvarado, C.; Crepeau, M.-J.; Bouchet, B.; Garnier, C.; Jamme, F.; Devaux, M.-F. Mobility of Pectin Methylesterase in Pectin/Cellulose Gels Is Enhanced by the Presence of Cellulose and by Its Catalytic Capacity. Scientific Reports 2019, 9, 12551.
  • Bourmaud A.; Mayer-Laigle C.; Baley C.; Beaugrand J. About the frontier between filling and reinforcement by fine flax particles in plant fibre composites. Industrial Crops and Products 2019, 141:111774.
  • Bourmaud, A.; Merotte, J.; Siniscalco, D.; Le Gall, M.; Gager, V.; Le Duigou, A.; Pierre, F.; Behlouli, K.; Arnould, O.; Beaugrand, J.; Baley, C. Main Criteria of Sustainable Natural Fibre for Efficient Unidirectional Biocomposites. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2019, 124, UNSP 105504.
  • Bourmaud, A.; Siniscalco, D.; Foucat, L.; Goudenhooft, C.; Falourd, X.; Pontoire, B.; Arnould, O.; Beaugrand, J.; Baley, C. Evolution of Flax Cell Wall Ultrastructure and Mechanical Properties during the Retting Step. Carbohydrate Polymers 2019, 206, 48–56.
  • Fabrissin I. ; Cueff G. ; Berger A.; Granier F.; Sallé C.; Poulain D.; Ralet M.-C. ; North H.  Natural Variation Reveals a Key Role for Rhamnogalacturonan I in Seed Outer Mucilage and Underlying Genes. Plant Physiology 2019, 181(4),1498-1518.
  • Francin-Allami, M.; Alvarado, C.; Daniel, S.; Geairon, A.; Saulnier, L.; Guillon, F. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Cell Wall Polysaccharides during Grain Development of Brachypodium distachyon. Plant Science 2019, 280, 367–382.
  • Ghaffari, M.; Chateigner-Boutin, A.-L.; Guillon, F.; Devaux, M.-F.; Abdollahi, H.; Duponchel, L. Multi-Excitation Hyperspectral Autofluorescence Imaging for the Exploration of Biological Samples. Analytica Chimica Acta 2019, 1062, 47–59.
  • Guessasma, S.; Beaugrand, J. Damage Kinetics at the Sub-Micrometric Scale in Bast Fibers Using Finite Element Simulation and High-Resolution X-Ray Micro-Tomography. Frontiers in Plant Science 2019, 10, 194.
  • Hamour, N.; Boukerrou, A.; Djidjelli, H.; Beaugrand, J. In Situ Grafting Effect of a Coupling Agent on Different Properties of a Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate-Co-3-Hydroxyvalerate)/Olive Husk Flour Composite. Polymer Bulletin 2019, 76 (12), 6275–6290.
  • Jaafar, Z.; Mazeau, K.; Boissiere, A.; Le Gall, S.; Villares, A.; Vigouroux, J.; Beury, N.; Moreau, C.; Lahaye, M.; Cathala, B. Meaning of Xylan Acetylation on Xylan-Cellulose Interactions: A Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCM-D) and Molecular Dynamic Study. Carbohydrate Polymers 2019, 226, UNSP 115315.
  • Kasmi, S.; Gallos, A.; Beaugrand, J.; Paes, G.; Allais, F. Ferulic Acid Derivatives Used as Biobased Powders for a Convenient Plasticization of Polylactic Acid in Continuous Hot-Melt Process. European Polymer Journal 2019, 110, 293–300.
  • Le Bris, P.; Wang, Y.; Barbereau, C.; Antelme, S.; Cezard, L.; Legee, F.; D’Orlando, A.; Dalmais, M.; Bendahmane, A.; Schuetz, M.; Samuels, L.; Lapierre, C.; Sibout, R. Inactivation of LACCASE8 and LACCASE5 Genes in Brachypodium Distachyon Leads to Severe Decrease in Lignin Content and High Increase in Saccharification Yield without Impacting Plant Integrity. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2019, 12, 181.
  • Le Duigou, A.; Keryvin, V.; Beaugrand, J.; Pernes, M.; Scarpa, F.; Castro, M. Humidity Responsive Actuation of Bioinspired Hygromorph Biocomposites (HBC) for Adaptive Structures. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2019, 116, 36–45.
  • Le, T. D. Q.; Alvarado, C.; Girousse, C.; Legland, D.; Chateigner-Boutin, A.-L. Use of X-Ray Micro Computed Tomography Imaging to Analyze the Morphology of Wheat Grain through Its Development. Plant Methods 2019, 15, 84.
  • Marone, A.; Trably, E.; Carrere, H.; Prompsy, P.; Guillon, F.; Joseph-Aime, M.; Barakat, A.; Fayoud, N.; Bernet, N.; Escudie, R. Enhancement of Corn Stover Conversion to Carboxylates by Extrusion and Biotic Triggers in Solid-State Fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2019, 103 (1), 489–503.
  • Padovani, J.; Legland, D.; Pernes, M.; Gallos, A.; Thomachot-Schneider, C.; Shah, D. U.; Bourmaud, A.; Beaugrand, J. Beating of Hemp Bast Fibres: An Examination of a Hydro-Mechanical Treatment on Chemical, Structural, and Nanomechanical Property Evolutions. Cellulose 2019, 26 (9), 5665–5683.
  • Paes, G.; Navarro, D.; Benoit, Y.; Blanquet, S.; Chabbert, B.; Chaussepied, B.; Coutinho, P. M.; Durand, S.; Grigoriev, I. V.; Haon, M.; Heux, L.; Launay, C.; Margeot, A.; Nishiyama, Y.; Raouche, S.; Rosso, M.N. ; Bonnin, E. ; Berrin, J.G. Tracking of Enzymatic Biomass Deconstruction by Fungal Secretomes Highlights Markers of Lignocellulose Recalcitrance. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2019, 12, 76.
  • Patnode, M. L.; Beller, Z. W.; Han, N. D.; Cheng, J.; Peters, S. L.; Terrapon, N.; Henrissat, B.; Le Gall, S.; Saulnier, L.; Hayashi, D. K.; Meynier, A.; Vinoy,S.; Giannone, R.J.; Hettich, R.L.; Gordon, J.I. Interspecies Competition Impacts Targeted Manipulation of Human Gut Bacteria by Fiber-Derived Glycans. Cell 2019, 179 (1), 59-+.
  • Poulain, D.; Botran, L.; North, H. M.; Ralet, M.-C. Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Outer Mucilage from Seeds of Arabidopsis Natural Accessions. Aob Plants 2019, 11 (4), plz031.
  • Ray, S.; Vigouroux, J.; Bouder, A.; Francin Allami, M. F.; Geairon, A.; Fanuel, M.; Ropartz, D.; Helbert, W.; Lahaye, M.; Bonnin, E. Functional Exploration of Pseudoalteromonas Atlantica as a Source of Hemicellulose-Active Enzymes: Evidence for a GH8 Xylanase with Unusual Mode of Action. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2019, 127, 6–16.
  • Rondeau, M.; Esmaeel, Q.; Crouzet, J.; Blin, P.; Gosselin, I.; Sarazin, C.; Pernes, M.; Beaugrand, J.; Wisniewski-Dye, F.; Vial, L.; Faure, D.; Clement, C.; Barka, E.A. ; Jacquard, C.; Sanchez,L. Biofilm-Constructing Variants of Paraburkholderia Phytofirmans PsJN Outcompete the Wild-Type Form in Free-Living and Static Conditions but Not In Planta. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2019, 85 (11), UNSP e02670-18.
  • Sola, K.; Gilchrist, E. J.; Ropartz, D.; Wang, L.; Feussner, I.; Mansfield, S. D.; Ralet, M.-C.; Haughn, G. W. RUBY, a Putative Galactose Oxidase, Influences Pectin Properties and Promotes Cell-To-Cell Adhesion in the Seed Coat Epidermis of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2019, 31 (4), 809–831.
  • Sun, L.; Ropartz, D.; Cui, L.; Shi, H.; Ralet, M.-C.; Zhou, Y. Structural Characterization of Rhamnogalacturonan Domains from Panax Ginseng C. A. Meyer. Carbohydrate Polymers 2019, 203, 119–127.
  • Verhertbruggen, Y.; Falourd, X.; Sterner, M.; Guillon, F.; Girousse, C.; Foucat, L.; Le Gall, S.; Chateigner-Boutin, A.-L.; Saulnier, L. Challenging the Putative Structure of Mannan in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) Endosperm. Carbohydrate Polymers 2019, 224, UNSP 115063.
  • Vidot, K.; Devaux, M.-F.; Alvarado, C.; Guyot, S.; Jamme, F.; Gaillard, C.; Siret, R.; Lahaye, M. Phenolic Distribution in Apple Epidermal and Outer Cortex Tissue by Multispectral Deep-UV Autofluorescence Cryo-Imaging. Plant Science 2019, 283, 51–59.
  • Zhang, Y.; Legland, D.; El Hage, F.; Devaux, M.-F.; Guillon, F.; Reymond, M.; Mechin, V. Changes in Cell Walls Lignification, Feruloylation and p-Coumaroylation throughout Maize Internode Development. Plos One 2019, 14 (7), e0219923.
  • Nouri, M.; Griballah, I.; Tahlaiti, M.; Grondin, F.; Beaugrand, J. Plant Extraction and Physicochemical Characterizations of Untreated and Pretreated Diss Fibers (Ampelodesmos Mauritanicus). Journal of Natural Fibers.
  • Alvarado, C., Durand. 2019 Préparation d’échantillons lignocellulosiques pour l’imagerie de la dégradation enzymatique. Les Cahiers des Techniques de l’INRA 2019 (98).

Publications 2018

  • Bourmaud, A., Beaugrand, J., Shah, D. U., Placet, V., & Baley, C. (2018). Towards the design of high-performance plant fibre composites. Progress in Materials Science, 97, 347-408.
  • Camarasa, C., Chiron, H., Daboussi, F., Della Valle, G., Dumas, C., Farines, V., Floury, J., Gagnaire, V., Gorret, N., Leonil, J., Mouret, J.-R., O'Donohue, M. J., Sablayrolles, J.-M., Salmon, J.-M., Saulnier, L., & Truan, G. (2018). INRA's research in industrial biotechnology: For food, chemicals, materials and fuels. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 46, 140-152.
  • Chateigner-Boutin, A. L., Lapierre, C., Alvarado, C., Yoshinaga, A., Barron, C., Bouchet, B., Bakan, B., Saulnier, L., Devaux, M. F., Girousse, C., & Guillon, F. (2018). Ferulate and lignin cross-links increase in cell walls of wheat grain outer layers during late development. Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology, 276, 199-207.
  • Cherkaoui, M., Geairon, A., Lollier, V., Clemente, H. S., Larre, C., Rogniaux, H., Jamet, E., Guillon, F., & Francin-Allami, M. (2018). Cell Wall Proteome Investigation of Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) Developing Grain in Endosperm and Outer Layers. Proteomics, 18(23), e1800286.
  • Chou, E. Y.; Schuetz, M.; Hoffmann, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Sibout, R.; Samuels, A. L. Distribution, Mobility, and Anchoring of Lignin-Related Oxidative Enzymes in Arabidopsis Secondary Cell Walls. Journal of Experimental Botany 2018, 69 (8), 1849–1859.
  • Christoph, S., Hamraoui, A., Bonnin, E., Garnier, C., Coradin, T., & Fernandes, F. M. (2018). Ice-templating beet-root pectin foams: Controlling texture, mechanics and capillary properties. Chemical Engineering Journal, 350, 20-28.
  •  Deuscher, Z., Bonny, J.-M., Boué, F., Cheynier, V., Clerjon, S., Devaux, M.-F., Meneghel, J., Guillon, F., Jamme, F., Le Feunteun, S., Passot, S., Réfrégiers, M., Rogniaux, H., Ropartz, D., Thévenot, J., Vallverdu-Queralt, A., & Canon, F. (2018). Selected case studies presenting advanced methodologies to study food and chemical industry materials: From the structural characterization of raw materials to the multisensory integration of food. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 46,
  • Devaux, M. F., Jamme, F., Andre, W., Bouchet, B., Alvarado, C., Durand, S., Robert, P., Saulnier, L., Bonnin, E., & Guillon, F. (2018). Synchrotron Time-Lapse Imaging of Lignocellulosic Biomass Hydrolysis: Tracking Enzyme Localization by Protein Autofluorescence and Biochemical Modification of Cell Walls by Microfluidic Infrared Microspectroscopy. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 16.
  • Dhakal, H., Bourmaud, A., Berzin, F., Almansour, F., Zhang, Z., Shah, D. U., & Beaugrand, J. (2018). Mechanical properties of leaf sheath date palm fibre waste biomass reinforced polycaprolactone (PCL) biocomposites. Industrial Crops and Products, 126, 394-402.
  • Dhakal, H. N., Ismail, S. O., Zhang, Z., Barber, A., Welsh, E., Maigret, J.-E., & Beaugrand, J. (2018). Development of sustainable biodegradable lignocellulosic hemp fiber/polycaprolactone biocomposites for light weight applications. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 113, 350-358.
  • Fanuel, M., Ropartz, D., Guillon, F., Saulnier, L., & Rogniaux, H. (2018). Distribution of cell wall hemicelluloses in the wheat grain endosperm: a 3D perspective. Planta, 248(6), 1505-1513.
  • Francin-Allami, M., Alvarado, C., Daniel, S., Geairon, A., Saulnier, L., & Guillon, F. (2018). Spatial and temporal distribution of cell wall polysaccharides during grain development of Brachypodium distachyon. Plant Science.
  •  Garat, W., Corn, S., Le Moigne, N., Beaugrand, J., & Bergeret, A. (2018). Analysis of the morphometric variations in natural fibres by automated laser scanning: Towards an efficient and reliable assessment of the cross-sectional area. Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing, 108, 114-123.
  • Lagalice, L., Pichon, J., Gougeon, E., Soussi, S., Deniaud, J., Ledevin, M., Maurier, V., Leroux, I., Durand, S., Ciron, C., Franzoso, F., Dubreil, L., Larcher, T., Rouger, K., & Colle, M. A. (2018). Satellite cells fail to contribute to muscle repair but are functional in Pompe disease (glycogenosis type II). Acta Neuropathol Commun, 6(1), 116.
  • Lesage-Meessen, L., Bou, M., Ginies, C., Chevret, D., Navarro, D., Drula, E., Bonnin, E., del Rio, J. C., Odinot, E., Bisotto, A., Berrin, J. G., Sigoillot, J. C., Faulds, C. B., & Lomascolo, A. (2018). Lavender- and lavandin-distilled straws: an untapped feedstock with great potential for the production of high-added value compounds and fungal enzymes. Biotechnology for biofuels, 11, 13.
  • Luis, A. S., Briggs, J., Zhang, X., Farnell, B., Ndeh, D., Labourel, A., Basle, A., Cartmell, A., Terrapon, N., Stott, K., Lowe, E. C., McLean, R., Shearer, K., Schuckel, J., Venditto, I., Ralet, M. C., Henrissat, B., Martens, E. C., Mosimann, S. C., Abbott, D. W., & Gilbert, H. J. (2018). Dietary pectic glycans are degraded by coordinated enzyme pathways in human colonic Bacteroides. Nat Microbiol, 3(2), 210-219.
  • Marone, A., Trably, E., Carrere, H., Prompsy, P., Guillon, F., Joseph-Aime, M., Barakat, A., Fayoud, N., Bernet, N., & Escudie, R. (2018). Enhancement of corn stover conversion to carboxylates by extrusion and biotic triggers in solid-state fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.
  • Sharma, B., Shah, D. U., Beaugrand, J., Janecek, E. R., Scherman, O. A., & Ramage, M. H. (2018). Chemical composition of processed bamboo for structural applications. Cellulose, 25(6), 3255-3266.
  • Vidot, K., Gaillard, C., Rivard, C., Siret, R., & Lahaye, M. (2018). Cryo-laser scanning confocal microscopy of diffusible plant compounds. Plant Methods, 14, 89.
  • Yacoubi, N., Saulnier, L., Bonnin, E., Devillard, E., Eeckhaut, V., Rhayat, L., Ducatelle, R., & Van Immerseel, F. (2018). Short-chain arabinoxylans prepared from enzymatically treated wheat grain exert prebiotic effects during the broiler starter period. Poultry Science, 97(2), 412-424.


Publications 2017

  • Arufe, S., Chiron, H., Doré, J., Savary-Auzeloux, I., Saulnier, L., & Della Valle, G. (2017). Processing and rheological properties of wheat flour dough and bread containing high levels of soluble dietary fibres blends. Food Research International, 97, 123-132.
  • Badalato, N.; Guillot, A.; Sabarly, V.; Dubois, M.; Pourette, N.; Pontoire, B.; Robert, P.; Bridier, A.; Monnet, V.; Sousa, D. Z.; Durand, S.; Mazeas, L.; Buleon, A. ; Bouchez, T. ; Mortha, G. ; Bize, A. Whole Proteome Analyses on Ruminiclostridium Cellulolyticum Show a Modulation of the Cellulolysis Machinery in Response to Cellulosic Materials with Subtle Differences in Chemical and Structural Properties. Plos One 2017, 12 (1), e0170524.
  • Beaugrand, J.,; Guessasma, S., Maigret, J.-E. Damage Mechanisms in Defected Natural Fibers. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 14041.
  • Bourmaud, A.; Dhakal, H.; Habrant, A.; Padovani, J.; Siniscalco, D.; Ramage, M. H.; Beaugrand, J.; Shah, D. U. Exploring the Potential of Waste Leaf Sheath Date Palm Fibres for Composite Reinforcement through a Structural and Mechanical Analysis. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2017, 103, 292–303.
  • Bourmaud, A., Malvestio, J., Lenoir, N., Siniscalco, D., Habrant, A., King, A., Legland, D., Baley, C., & Beaugrand, J. (2017). Exploring the mechanical performance and in-planta architecture of secondary hemp fibres. Industrial Crops and Products, 108, 1-5.
  • Gallos, A., Paes, G., Allais, F., & Beaugrand, J. (2017). Lignocellulosic fibers: a critical review of the extrusion process for enhancement of the properties of natural fiber composites. RSC Advances, 7(55), 34638-34654.
  • Gallos, A., Paës, G., Legland, D., Allais, F., & Beaugrand, J. (2017). Exploring the microstructure of natural fibre composites by confocal Raman imaging and image analysis. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 94, 32-40.
  • Guedes, F. T. P., Laurans, F., Quemener, B., Assor, C., Laine-Prade, V., Boizot, N., Vigouroux, J., Lesage-Descauses, M. C., Leple, J. C., Dejardin, A., & Pilate, G. (2017). Non-cellulosic polysaccharide distribution during G-layer formation in poplar tension wood fibers: abundance of rhamnogalacturonan I and arabinogalactan proteins but no evidence of xyloglucan. Planta, 246(5), 857-878.
  • Guillon, F., Moïse, A., Quemener, B., Bouchet, B., Devaux, M.-F., Alvarado, C., & Lahaye, M. (2017). Remodeling of pectin and hemicelluloses in tomato pericarp during fruit growth. Plant Science, 257, 48-62.
  • Kansou, K.; Remond, C.; Paes, G.; Bonnin, E.; Tayeb, J.; Bredeweg, B. Testing Scientific Models Using Qualitative Reasoning: Application to Cellulose Hydrolysis. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 14122.
  • Lazuka, A., Roland, C., Barakat, A., Guillon, F., O'Donohue, M., & Hernandez-Raquet, G. (2017). Ecofriendly lignocellulose pretreatment to enhance the carboxylate production of a rumen-derived microbial consortium. Bioresource Technology, 236, 225-233.
  • Le Duigou, A.; Requile, S.; Beaugrand, J.; Scarpa, F.; Castro, M. Natural Fibres Actuators for Smart Bio-Inspired Hygromorph Biocomposites. Smart Materials and Structures 2017, 26 (12), 125009.
  • Ndeh, D., Rogowski, A., Cartmell, A., Luis, A. S., Basle, A., Gray, J., Venditto, I., Briggs, J., Zhang, X., Labourel, A., Terrapon, N., Buffetto, F., Nepogodiev, S., Xiao, Y., Field, R. A., Zhu, Y., O'Neill, M. A., Urbanowicz, B. R., York, W. S., Davies, G. J., Abbott, D. W., Ralet, M. C., Martens, E. C., Henrissat, B., & Gilbert, H. J. (2017). Complex pectin metabolism by gut bacteria reveals novel catalytic functions. Nature, 544, 65-70.
  • Owen, J. L., Kent, L. M., Ralet, M. C., Cameron, R. G., & Williams, M. A. K. (2017). A tale of two pectins: Diverse fine structures can result from identical processive PME treatments on similar high DM substrates. Carbohydrate Polymers, 168, 365-373.
  • Perassolo Guedes, F. T.; Laurans, F.; Quemener, B.; Assor, C.; Laine-Prade, V.; Boizot, N.; Vigouroux, J.; Lesage-Descauses, M.-C.; Leple, J.-C.; Dejardin, A.; Pilate, G. Non-Cellulosic Polysaccharide Distribution during G-Layer Formation in Poplar Tension Wood Fibers: Abundance of Rhamnogalacturonan I and Arabinogalactan Proteins but No Evidence of Xyloglucan. Planta 2017, 246 (5), 857–878.
  • Rydahl, M. G.; Kracun, S. K.; Fangel, J. U.; Michel, G.; Guillouzo, A.; Genicot, S.; Mravec, J.; Harholt, J.; Wilkens, C.; Motawia, M. S.; Svensson, B. ; Tranquet,O.; Ralet, M.C. ; Jorgensen, B. ; Domozych, D.S.; Willats, W.G.T. Development of Novel Monoclonal Antibodies against Starch and Ulvan - Implications for Antibody Production against Polysaccharides with Limited Immunogenicity. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 9326.
  • Verhertbruggen, Y., Walker, J. L., Guillon, F., & Scheller, H. V. (2017). A comparative study of sample preparation for staining and immunodetection of plant cell walls by light microscopy. Frontiers in Plant Science.
  • Videcoq, P.; Barbacci, A.; Assor, C.; Magnenet, V.; Arnould, O.; Le Gall, S.; Lahaye, M. Examining the Contribution of Cell Wall Polysaccharides to the Mechanical Properties of Apple Parenchyma Tissue Using Exogenous Enzymes. Journal of Experimental Botany 2017, 68 (18), 5137–5146.

Publications 2016

  • Barriere, Y., Courtial, A., Chateigner-Boutin, A. L., Denoue, D., & Grima-Pettenati, J. (2016). Breeding maize for silage and biofuel production, an illustration of a step forward with the genome sequence. Plant Science, 242, 310-329.
  • Chateigner-Boutin, A. L., Ordaz-Ortiz, J. J., Alvarado, C., Bouchet, B., Durand, S., Verhertbruggen, Y., Barriere, Y., & Saulnier, L. (2016). Developing Pericarp of Maize: A Model to Study Arabinoxylan Synthesis and Feruloylation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 20.
  • Corcel, M., Devaux, M. F., Guillon, F., & Barron, C. (2016). Comparison of UV and visible autofluorescence of wheat grain tissues in macroscopic images of cross-sections and particles. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 127, 281-288.
  • Dheilly, E., Le Gall, S., Guillou, M. C., Renou, J. P., Bonnin, E., Orsel, M., & Lahaye, M. (2016). Cell wall dynamics during apple development and storage involves hemicellulose modifications and related expressed genes. Bmc Plant Biology, 16, 20.
  • Francin-Allami, M., Lollier, V., Pavlovic, M., San Clemente, H., Rogniaux, H., Jamet, E., Guillon, F., & Larré, C. (2016). Understanding the Remodelling of Cell Walls during Brachypodium distachyon Grain Development through a Sub-Cellular Quantitative Proteomic Approach. Proteomes, 4(3), 21.
  • Freeman, J., Lovegrove, A., Wilkinson, M. D., Saulnier, L., Shewry, P. R., & Mitchell, R. A. C. (2016). Effect of suppression of arabinoxylan synthetic genes in wheat endosperm on chain length of arabinoxylan and extract viscosity. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 14(1), 109-116.
  • Griffiths, J. S., Crepeau, M. J., Ralet, M. C., Seifert, G. J., & North, H. M. (2016). Dissecting Seed Mucilage Adherence Mediated by FEI2 and SOS5. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 1073.
  • Ho-Yue-Kuang, S., Alvarado, C., Antelme, S., Bouchet, B., Cezard, L., Le Bris, P., Legee, F., Maia-Grondard, A., Yoshinaga, A., Saulnier, L., Guillon, F., Sibout, R., Lapierre, C., & Chateigner-Boutin, A. L. (2016). Mutation in Brachypodium caffeic acid O-methyltransferase 6 alters stem and grain lignins and improves straw saccharification without deteriorating grain quality. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67(1), 227-237.
  •  Le Pogam, P.; Legouin, B.; Geairon, A.; Rogniaux, H.; Lohezic-Le Devehat, F.; Obermayer, W.; Boustie, J.; Le Lamer, A.-C. Spatial Mapping of Lichen Specialized Metabolites Using LDI-MSI: Chemical Ecology Issues for Ophioparma Ventosa. Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 37807.
  • Legrand Ngolong Ngea, G., Guillon, F., Ngang, J. J. E., Bonnin, E., Bouchet, B., & Saulnier, L. (2016). Modification of cell wall polysaccharides during retting of cassava roots. Food Chemistry, 213, 402-409.
  • Minoia, S., Boualem, A., Marcel, F., Troadec, C., Quemener, B., Cellini, F., Petrozza, A., Vigouroux, J., Lahaye, M., Carriero, F., & Bendahmane, A. (2016). Induced mutations in tomato SlExp1 alter cell wall metabolism and delay fruit softening. Plant Science, 242, 195-202.
  • Ralet, M. C., Crepeau, M. J., Vigouroux, J., Tran, J., Berger, A., Salle, C., Granier, F., Botran, L., & North, H. M. (2016). Xylans Provide the Structural Driving Force for Mucilage Adhesion to the Arabidopsis Seed Coat. Plant Physiology, 171(1), 165-178.
  • Velickovic, D., Saulnier, L., Lhomme, M., Damond, A., Guillon, F., & Rogniaux, H. (2016). Mass Spectrometric Imaging of Wheat (Triticum spp.) and Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Cultivars: Distribution of Major Cell Wall Polysaccharides According to Their Main Structural Features. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64(32), 6249-6256.
  • Yacoubi, N., Van Immerseel, F., Ducatelle, R., Rhayat, L., Bonnin, E., & Saulnier, L. (2016). Water-soluble fractions obtained by enzymatic treatment of wheat grains promote short chain fatty acids production by broiler cecal microbiota. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 218, 110-119.

Publications 2015

  • Barbacci A., Magnenet V., Lahaye M. (2015). Thermodynamical journey in plant biology. Frontiers in Plant Science, June 2015, Vol. 6; article 481.
  • Barrière Y., Chateigner-Boutin A.L., Courtial A., Denoue D., Grima-Pettenati J. (2015). Breeding maize for silage and biofuel productions, an illustration of a step forward with the genome sequence. Plant Science. 242:310-29.
  • Ben Sadok, I.; Tiecher, A.; Galvez-Lopez, D.; Lahaye, M.; Lasserre-Zuber, P.; Bruneau, M.; Hanteville, S.; Robic, R.; Cournol, R.; Laurens, F. Apple Fruit Texture QTLs: Year and Cold Storage Effects on Sensory and Instrumental Traits. Tree Genetics & Genomes 2015, 11 (6), 119.
  • Bonnin E., Mutic J., Nikolic J., Burr S., Robert P., Crépeau M.-J., (2015). Methylesterase behaviour is related to polysaccharide organisation in model systems mimicking cell walls. Carbohydrate Polymers, 124: 57-65.
  • Buffetto, F.; Cornuault, V.; Rydahl, M. G.; Ropartz, D.; Alvarado, C.; Echasserieau, V.; Le Gall, S.; Bouchet, B.; Tranquet, O.; Verhertbruggen, Y.; Willats, W. G. T.; Knox, J.P.; Ralet, M.C.; Guillon, F. The Deconstruction of Pectic Rhamnogalacturonan I Unmasks the Occurrence of a Novel Arabinogalactan Oligosaccharide Epitope. Plant and Cell Physiology 2015, 56 (11), 2181–2196.
  • Cariou, R.; Veyrand, B.; Yamada, A.; Berrebi, A.; Zalko, D.; Durand, S.; Pollono, C.; Marchand, P.; Leblanc, J.-C.; Antignac, J.-P.; Le Bizec, B. Perfluoroalkyl Acid (PFAA) Levels and Profiles in Breast Milk, Maternal and Cord Serum of French Women and Their Newborns. Environment International 2015, 84, 71–81.
  • Chateigner-Boutin AL, Suliman M, Bouchet B, Alvarado C, Lollier V, Rogniaux H, Guillon F, Larré C. (2015).  Endomembrane proteomics revealed putative enzymes involved in cell wall metabolism in wheat grain outer layers. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66 (9), 2649-2658.
  • Cornuault, V.; Buffetto, F.; Rydahl, M. G.; Marcus, S. E.; Torode, T. A.; Xue, J.; Crepeau, M.-J.; Faria-Blanc, N.; Willats, W. G. T.; Dupree, P.; Ralet, M.C.; Knox, J.P. Monoclonal Antibodies Indicate Low-Abundance Links between Heteroxylan and Other Glycans of Plant Cell Walls. Planta 2015, 242 (6), 1321–1334.
  • Dammak A., Quemener B., Bonnin E., Alvarado C., Bouchet B., Villares A., Moreau C., & Cathala B. (2015). Exploring Architecture of Xyloglucan Cellulose Nanocrystal Complexes through Enzyme Susceptibility at Different Adsorption Regimes. Biomacromolecules, 16(2), 589-596.
  • Francin-Allami M., Merah K., Albenne C., Rogniaux H., Pavlovic M., Lollier V.,  Sibout R., Guillon F., Jamet E., Larré C. (2015) Cell wall proteomic of Brachypodium distachyon grains: a focus on cell wall remodeling proteins. Proteomics. 2015 15(13):2296-306.
  • Freeman J., Lovegrove A., Wilkinson M., Saulnier L., Shewry P., Mitchell R. (2015). Effect of suppression of arabinoxylan synthetic genes in wheat endosperm on chain length of arabinoxylan and extract viscosity. Plant Biotechnology Journal, n/a-n/a.
  • Hamour, N.; Boukerrou, A.; Djidjelli, H.; Maigret, J.-E.; Beaugrand, J. Effects of MAPP Compatibilization and Acetylation Treatment Followed by Hydrothermal Aging on Polypropylene Alfa Fiber Composites. International Journal of Polymer Science 2015, 451691.
  • Herbette H., Bouchet B., Brunel N., Bonnin E., Cochard H., Guillon F. (2015). Immunolabelling of intervessel pits for polysaccharides and lignin helps in understanding their hydraulic properties in Populus tremula x alba. Annals of Botany, 115: 187-199.
  • Jacquemin, L., Mogni, A., Zeitoun, R., Guinot, C., Sablayrolles, C., Saulnier, L., & Pontalier, P.-Y. (2015). Comparison of different twin-screw extraction conditions for the production of arabinoxylans. Carbohydrate Polymers, 116, 86-94.
  • Jacquemin, L., Mogni, A., Zeitoun, R., Guinot, C., Sablayrolles, C., Saulnier, L., & Pontalier, P. Y. (2015). Performance evaluation of a semi-industrial production process of arabinoxylans from wheat bran. Process Biochemistry, 50(4), 605-613. 10.1016/j.procbio.2015.01.015
  • L’Enfant, M.; Domon, J.-M.; Rayon, C.; Desnos, T.; Ralet, M.-C.; Bonnin, E.; Pelloux, J.; Pau-Roblot, C. Substrate Specificity of Plant and Fungi Pectin Methylesterases: Identification of Novel Inhibitors of PMEs. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2015, 81, 681–691.
  • Lafond M., Bouza B., Eyrichine S., Rouffineau F., Saulnier L., Giardina T., Bonnin E.,  Preynat A. (2015). In vitro gastrointestinal digestion study of two wheat cultivars and evaluation of xylanase supplementation. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 6(1), 5
  • Lahaye M., Falourd X., Limami A., Foucat L. (2015). Water mobility and microstructure evolution in the germinating Medicago truncatula seed studied by NMR relaxometry. A revisited interpretation of multicomponent relaxation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63(6), 1698-1710.
  • Le Bleis F., Chaunier L., Chiron H., Della Valle G., & Saulnier L. (2015). Rheological properties of wheat flour dough and French bread enriched with wheat bran. Journal of Cereal Science, 65, 167-174.
  • Minoia S., Boualem A., Marcel F.C.T, Quemener B., Cellini F., Petrozza A., Vigouroux J., Lahaye M., Carriero F., Bendahmane A. (2015) Induced mutations in tomato SlExp1 alter cell wall metabolism and delay fruit softening. Plant Science, 242, 195-202.
  • Nadaud I., Tasleem-Tahir A., Chateigner-Boutin A.-L., Chambon C., Viala D., Branlard G. (2015) Proteome evolution of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) aleurone layer at fifteen stages of grain development. J. Proteomics, 123, 29-41.
  • Ropartz, D.; Giuliani, A.; Herve, C.; Geairon, A.; Jam, M.; Czjzek, M.; Rogniaux, H. High-Energy Photon Activation Tandem Mass Spectrometry Provides Unprecedented Insights into the Structure of Highly Sulfated Oligosaccharides Extracted from Macroalgal Cell Walls. Analytical Chemistry 2015, 87 (2), 1042–1049.
  • Senechal, F.; L’Enfant, M.; Domon, J.-M.; Rosiau, E.; Crepeau, M.-J.; Surcouf, O.; Esquivel-Rodriguez, J.; Marcelo, P.; Mareck, A.; Guerineau, F.; Kim, H.-R.; Mravec, J.; Bonnin, E. ; Jamet, E.; Kihara, D.; Lerouge, P.; Ralet, M.C.; Pelloux, J.; Rayon, C. Tuning of Pectin Methylesterification: Pectin methylesterase inhibitor 7 modulates the processive activity of co-expressed pectin methylesterase 3 in a pH-dependent manner. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2015, 290 (38), 23320–23335.
  • Timpano H., Sibout R., Devaux M-F., Alvarado C., Looten R.,  Falourd X.,  Pontoire B., Martin M., Legée F, Cézard L., Lapierre C., Badel E., Citerne S., Vernhettes S., Höfte H., Guillon F., Gonneau M. (2015). Brachypodium cell wall mutant with enhanced saccharification potential despite increased lignin content. Bioenergy Research, 8:53-67.
  • Turbin-Orger A., Della Valle G., Doublier J.L., Fameau A.L., Marze S., Saulnier L. (2015). Foaming and rheological properties of the liquid phase extracted from wheat flour dough. Food Hydrocolloids, 43, 114-124, 2015a
  • Quemener B., Vigouroux J., Rathahao E., Tabet J.-C., Dimitrijevic A., Lahaye M. (2015) Negative electrospray ionization mass spectrometry: a method for sequencing and determining linkage position in oligosaccharides from branched hemicelluloses. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 50, 247-264,
  • Winisdorffer G., Musse M., Quellec S., Devaux M.-F., Lahaye M., Mariette F. (2015). MRI investigation of subcellular water compartmentalization and gas distribution in apples. Magnetic Resonance Imagin. Vol. 33, Issue 5, pp.671–680
  • Winisdorffer G., Musse M., Quellec S., Barbacci A., Le Gall S., Mariette F., Lahaye M. (2015). Analysis of the dynamic mechanical properties of apple tissue and relationships with the intracellular water status, gas distribution as measured by MRI, histological properties and chemical composition. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 104: 1-16,
  • Ying R., Saulnier L., Bouchet B., Barron C., Ji S., Rondeau-Mouro C. (2015). Multiscale characterization of arabinoxylan and b-glucan composite films. Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 122, 20 May 2015, 248–254.

Publications 2014

  • Bissaro B., Saurel O., Arab-Jaziri F., Saulnier L., Milon A., Tenkanen M., Monsan P., O'Donohue M.J., Faure R. (2014). Mutation of a pH-modulating residue in a GH51 alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase leads to a severe reduction of the secondary hydrolysis of transfuranosylation products. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1840(1), 626-636.
  • Bonnin E., Garnier C., Ralet M.C. (2014). Pectin-modifying enzymes and pectin-derived materials: applications and impacts. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98(2), 519-532.
  • Buffetto F., Ropartz D., Zhang X.J., Gilbert H.J., Guillon F., Ralet M-C. (2014). Recovery and fine structure variability of RGII sub-domains in wine (Vitis vinifera Merlot). Annals of Botany, 114(6), 1327-1337.
  • Chateigner-Boutin A. L., Bouchet B., Alvarado C., Bakan B., Guillon F. (2014). The Wheat Grain Contains Pectic Domains Exhibiting Specific Spatial and Development-Associated Distribution. Plos One, 9(2), 13.
  • Chazal R., Robert P., Durand S., Devaux M.F., Saulnier L., Lapierre C., Guillon F. (2014). Investigating Lignin Key Features in Maize Lignocelluloses Using Infrared Spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy, 68(12), 1342-1347.
  • Cornuault, V., Manfield I.W., Ralet  M.C., Knox J.P. (2014). Epitope detection chromatography: a method to dissect the structural heterogeneity and inter-connections of plant cell-wall matrix glycans. Plant Journal, 78(4), 715-722.
  • Doumouya S., Lahaye M., Maury C., Siret R. (2014). Physical and Physiological Heterogeneity within the Grape Bunch: Impact on Mechanical Properties during Maturation. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 65(2), 170-178.
  • Foucat L., Lahaye M. (2014). A subzero H-1 NMR relaxation investigation of water dynamics in tomato pericarp. Food Chemistry, 158, 278-282.
  • Kaya M., Sousa A. G., Crepeau M.J., Sorensen S. O., Ralet M-C. (2014). Characterization of citrus pectin samples extracted under different conditions: influence of acid type and pH of extraction. Annals of Botany, 114(6), 1319-1326.
  • Lafond M., Guais O., Maestracci M., Bonnin E., Giardina T. (2014). Four GH11 xylanases from the xylanolytic fungus Talaromyces versatilis act differently on (arabino)xylans. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98(14), 6339-6352.
  • Lahaye M., Falourd X., Quémener B., Devaux M. F., Audergon J.M. (2014). Histological and cell wall polysaccharide chemical variability among apricot varieties. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 58(2), 486-496.
  • Legland D., Devaux M. F., Guillon F. (2014). Statistical Mapping of Maize Bundle Intensity at the Stem Scale Using Spatial Normalisation of Replicated Images. Plos One, 9(3), 1-10.
  • Navarro D., Rosso M. N., Haon M., Olive, C., Bonnin E., Lesage-Meessen L., Chevret D., Coutinho P.M., Henrissat B., Berrin J. G. (2014). Fast solubilization of recalcitrant cellulosic biomass by the basidiomycete fungus Laetisaria arvalis involves successive secretion of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 7:143 1-14.
  • North H.M., Berger A., Saez-Aguayo S., Ralet M-C. (2014). Understanding polysaccharide production and properties using seed coat mutants: future perspectives for the exploitation of natural variants. Annals of Botany, 114(6), 1251-1263.
  • Ray S., Vigouroux J., Quémener B., Bonnin E.,  Lahaye M. (2014). Novel and diverse fine structures in LiCl-DMSO extracted apple hemicelluloses. Carbohydrate Polymers, 108, 46-57.
  • Ropartz D., Lemoine J., Giuliani A., Bittebiere Y., Enjalbert Q., Antoine R., Dugourd P., Ralet M-C., Rogniaux H. (2014). Deciphering the structure of isomeric oligosaccharides in a complex mixture by tandem mass spectrometry: Photon activation with vacuum ultra-violet brings unique information and enables definitive structure assignment. Analytica Chimica Acta, 807, 84-95.
  • Saez-Aguayo S., Rondeau-Mouro C., Macquet A., Kronholm I., Ralet M-C., Berger A., Salle C., Poulain D., Granier F., Botran L., Loudet O., de Meaux J., Marion-Poll A., North H.M. (2014). Local Evolution of Seed Flotation in Arabidopsis. Plos Genetics, 10 (3), 1-10.
  • Segonne S.M., Bruneau M., Celton J.M., Le Gall S., Francin-Allami M., Juchaux M., Laurens F., Orsel M., Renou J.P. (2014). Multiscale investigation of mealiness in apple: an atypical role for a pectin methylesterase during fruit maturation. Bmc Plant Biology, 2014, 14:375, 1-18.
  • Velickovic D., Ropartz D., Guillon F., Saulnier L., Rogniaux H. (2014). New insights into the structural and spatial variability of cell-wall polysaccharides during wheat grain development, as revealed through MALDI mass spectrometry imaging. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(8), 2079-2091.
  • Zouine M., Fu Y.Y., Chateigner-Boutin A.L., Mila I., Frasse P., Wang H., Audran C., Roustan J.P., Bouzayen M. (2014). Characterization of the Tomato ARF Gene Family Uncovers a Multi-Levels Post-Transcriptional Regulation Including Alternative Splicing. Plos One, 9(1), 1-12.

Publications 2013

  • Assor C., Quémener B., Vigouroux J., Lahaye  M. (2013). Fractionation and structural characterization of LiCl-DMSO soluble hemicelluloses from tomato. Carbohydrate Polymers, 94(1), 46-55.
  • Barbacci A., Lahaye M.,  Magnenet V. (2013). Another Brick in the Cell Wall: Biosynthesis Dependent Growth Model. Plos One, 8(9), 12.
  • Bonnin E., Lahaye M. (2013). Contribution of cell wall-modifying enzymes to the texture of fleshy fruits. The example of apple. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 78(3), 417-427.
  • Chateigner-Boutin A.L., Des Francs-Small C.C., Fujii S., Okuda K., Tanz S.K., Small I. (2013). The E domains of pentatricopeptide repeat proteins from different organelles are not functionally equivalent for RNA editing. Plant Journal, 74(6), 935-945.
  • Courtial A., Soler M., Chateigner-Boutin A.L., Reymond M., Mechin V., Wang H., Grima-Pettenati J., Barriere Y. (2013). Breeding grasses for capacity to biofuel production or silage feeding value: an updated list of genes involved in maize secondary cell wall biosynthesis and assembly. Maydica, 58(1-4), 67-102.
  • De La Mare M., Guais O., Bonnin E., Weber J., Francois J.M. (2013). Molecular and biochemical characterization of three GH62 alpha-L-arabinofuranosidases from the soil deuteromycete Penicillium funiculosum. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 53(5), 351-358.
  • Francin-Allami M., Bouder A., Popineau Y. (2013). Comparative study of wheat low-molecular-weight glutenin and alpha-gliadin trafficking in tobacco cells. Plant Cell Reports, 32(1), 89-101.
  • Lahaye M., Devaux M. F., Poole M., Seymour G.B., Causse M. (2013). Pericarp tissue microstructure and cell wall polysaccharide chemistry are differently affected in lines of tomato with contrasted firmness. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 76, 83-90.
  • Lam M., Martinez Y., Barbier O., Jauneau A., Balzergue S., Huguet S., Pollet B., Mechin V., Guillon F., Robert P., Dumon C., O'Donohue M., Goffner D., Pichon  M. (2013). Combined approaches provide an anatomical and transcriptomic fingerprint of maize cell wall digestibility. Maydica, 58(1-4), 274-287.
  • Lee K.J.D., Cornuault V., Manfield I.W., Ralet M-C., Knox J.P. (2013). Multi-scale spatial heterogeneity of pectic rhamnogalacturonan I (RG-I) structural features in tobacco seed endosperm cell walls. Plant Journal, 75(6), 1018-1027.
  • Lovegrove A., Wilkinson M.D., Freeman J., Pellny T.K., Tosi P., Saulnier L., Shewry P.R., Mitchell R.A. C. (2013). RNA Interference Suppression of Genes in Glycosyl Transferase Families 43 and 47 in Wheat Starchy Endosperm Causes Large Decreases in Arabinoxylan Content. Plant Physiology, 163(1), 95-107.
  • Rosa N.N., Aura A.M., Saulnier L., Holopainen-Mantila U., Poutanen K., Micard V. (2013). Effects of Disintegration on in Vitro Fermentation and Conversion Patterns of Wheat Aleurone in a Metabolical Colon Model. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(24), 5805-5816.
  • Ying R. F., Rondeau-Mouro C., Barron C., Mabille F., Perronnet A.,  Saulnier L. (2013). Hydration and mechanical properties of arabinoxylans and beta-D-glucans films. Carbohydrate Polymers, 96(1), 31-38.
  • Mallevre F., Roget A., Minon T., Kervella Y., Ropartz D., Ralet M-C., Canut H., Livach T. (2013). Microwave Heating for the Rapid Generation of Glycosylhydrazides. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 24(7), 1264-1269.
  • Saez-Aguayo S., Ralet M-C., Berger A., Botran L., Ropartz D., Marion-Poll A., North H.M. (2013). PECTIN METHYLESTERASE INHIBITOR6 Promotes Arabidopsis Mucilage Release by Limiting Methylesterification of Homogalacturonan in Seed Coat Epidermal Cells. Plant Cell, 25(1), 308-323.
  • Koubala B.B., Kansci G., Garnier C., Thibault J. F., Ralet M-C. (2013). Physicochemical Properties of Dietary Fibres Prepared from Ambarella (Spondias cytherea) and Mango (Mangifera indica) Peels. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(2), 591-597.
  • Videcoq P., Steenkeste K., Bonnin E., Garnier C. (2013). A multi-scale study of enzyme diffusion in macromolecular solutions and physical gels of pectin polysaccharides. Soft Matter, 9(20), 5110-5118.
  • Suliman M., Chateigner-Boutin A.L., Francin-Allami M., Partier A., Bouchet B., Salse J., Pont C., Marion J., Rogniaux H., Tessier D., Guillon F., Larré C. (2013). Identification of glycosyltransferases involved in cell wall synthesis of wheat endosperm. Journal of Proteomics, 78, 508-521.
  • Cerclier C.V., Guyomard-Lack A., Cousin F., Jean B., Bonnin E., Cathala B., Moreau C. (2013). Xyloglucan-Cellulose Nanocrystal Multilayered Films: Effect of Film Architecture on Enzymatic Hydrolysis. Biomacromolecules, 14(10), 3599-3609.
  • Dammak A., Moreau C., Beury N., Schwikal K., Winter H.T., Bonnin E., Saake B., Cathala B. (2013). Elaboration of multilayered thin films based on cellulose nanocrystals and cationic xylans: application to xylanase activity detection. Holzforschung, 67(5), 579-586.

Publications 2012

  • Agoudjil N., Sicard C., Jaouen V., Garnier C., Bonnin E., Steunou N.,  Coradin T. (2012). Design and properties of biopolymer-silica hybrid materials: The example of pectin-based biodegradable hydrogels. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 84(12), 2521-2529.
  • Allouche F., Hanafi M., Jamme F., Robert P., Barron C., Guillon F., Devaux M.F. (2012). Coupling hyperspectral image data having different spatial resolutions using Multiple Co-inertia Analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 117, 200-212.
  • Allouche F., Hanafi M., Jamme F., Robert P., Guillon F., Devaux M.F. (2012). Coupling hyperspectral image data having different spatial resolutions by extending multivariate inter-battery Tucker analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 113, 43-51.
  • Cyran M.R., Saulnier L. (2012). Macromolecular structure of water-extractable arabinoxylans in endosperm and wholemeal rye breads as factor controlling their extract viscosities. Food Chemistry, 131(2), 667-676.
  • Fer M., Prechoux A., Leroy A., Sassi J.F., Lahaye M., Boisset C., Nyvall-Collen P.,  Helbert W. (2012). Medium-throughput profiling method for screening polysaccharide-degrading enzymes in complex bacterial extracts. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 89(3), 222-229.
  • Galvez-Lopez D., Laurens F., Devaux M. F., Lahaye, M. (2012). Texture analysis in an apple progeny through instrumental, sensory and histological phenotyping. Euphytica, 185(2), 171-183.
  • Girard A.L., Mounet F., Lemaire-Chamley M., Gaillard C., Elmorjani K., Vivancos J., Runavot J.L., Quémener B., Petit J., Germain V., Rothan C., Marion D., Bakan B. (2012). Tomato GDSL1 Is Required for Cutin Deposition in the Fruit Cuticle. Plant Cell, 24(7), 3119-3134.
  • Guillon F., Larré C., Petipas F., Berger A., Moussawi J., Rogniaux H., Santoni A., Saulnier L., Jamme F., Miquel M., Lepiniec L., Dubreucq B. (2012). A comprehensive overview of grain development in Brachypodium distachyon variety Bd21. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63(2), 739-755.
  • Koutaniemi S., Guillon F., Tranquet O., Bouchet B., Tuomainen P., Virkki L., Petersen H.L., Willats W.G.T., Saulnier L., Tenkanen M. (2012). Substituent-specific antibody against glucuronoxylan reveals close association of glucuronic acid and acetyl substituents and distinct labeling patterns in tree species. Planta, 236(2), 739-751.
  • Lahaye M., Falourd X., Quéméner B., Ralet M.C., Howad W., Dirlewanger E., Arus P. (2012). Cell Wall Polysaccharide Chemistry of Peach Genotypes with Contrasted Textures and Other Fruit Traits. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60(26), 6594-6605.
  • Lahaye M., Quémener B., Causse M., Seymour G.B. (2012). Hemicellulose fine structure is affected differently during ripening of tomato lines with contrasted texture. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 51(4), 462-470.
  • Legland D., Devaux M. F., Bouchet B., Guillon F., Lahaye M. (2012). Cartography of cell morphology in tomato pericarp at the fruit scale. Journal of Microscopy, 247(1), 78-93.
  • Morris G.A., Ralet M-C. (2012). A copolymer analysis approach to estimate the neutral sugar distribution of sugar beet pectin using size exclusion chromatography. Carbohydrate Polymers, 87(2), 1139-1143.
  • Morris G.A., Ralet M-C. (2012). The effect of neutral sugar distribution on the dilute solution conformation of sugar beet pectin. Carbohydrate Polymers, 88(4), 1488-1491.
  • Normand J., Bonnin E., Delavault P. (2012). Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of an Irpex lacteus rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase tolerant to acetylated rhamnogalacturonan. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 94(6), 1543-1552.
  • Pedersen H.L., Fangel J.U., McCleary B., Ruzanski C., Rydahl M. G., Ralet M-C., Farkas V., von Schantz L., Marcus S. E., Andersen M. C. F., Field R., Ohlin M., Knox J. P., Clausen M. H., Willats W. G. T. (2012). Versatile High Resolution Oligosaccharide Microarrays for Plant Glycobiology and Cell Wall Research. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(47), 10.
  • Rakha A., Saulnier L., Aman P., Andersson R. (2012). Enzymatic fingerprinting of arabinoxylan and beta-glucan in triticale, barley and tritordeum grains. Carbohydrate Polymers, 90(3), 1226-1234.
  • Ralet M-C., Williams M.A.K., Tanhatan-Nasseri A., Ropartz D., Quémener B., Bonnin E. (2012). Innovative Enzymatic Approach to Resolve Homogalacturonans Based on their Methylesterification Pattern. Biomacromolecules, 13(5), 1615-1624.
  • Saulnier L., Guillon F., Chateigner-Boutin A.L. (2012). Cell wall deposition and metabolism in wheat grain. Journal of Cereal Science, 56(1), 91-108.
  • Shewry P.R., Charmet G., Branlard G., Lafiandra D., Gergel S., Salgo A., Saulnier L., Bedo Z., Mills E.N. C., Ward J. L. (2012). Developing new types of wheat with enhanced health benefits. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 25(2), 70-77.

Publications 2011

  • Cerclier C., Guyomard-Lack A., Moreau C., Cousin F., Beury N., Bonnin E., Jean B., Cathala B. (2011). Coloured Semi-reflective Thin Films for Biomass-hydrolyzing Enzyme Detection. Advanced Materials, 23(33), 3791-+.
  • Chateigner-Boutin A.L., Small I. (2011). Organellar RNA editing. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Rna, 2(4), 493-506.
  • Dammak A., Hadj-Taieb N., Bonnin E., Ben Bacha A., Gargouri A. (2011). Purification and biochemical characterization of a novel thermoactive fungal pectate lyase from Penicillium occitanis. Process Biochemistry, 46(4), 888-893.
  • Francin-Allami M., Saumonneau A., Lavenant L., Bouder A., Sparkes I., Hawes C., Popineau Y. (2011). Dynamic trafficking of wheat gamma-gliadin and of its structural domains in tobacco cells, studied with fluorescent protein fusions. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62(13), 4507-4520.
  • Galvez-Lopez D., Laurens F., Quémener B., Lahaye M. (2011). Variability of cell wall polysaccharides composition and hemicellulose enzymatic profile in an apple progeny. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 49(5), 1104-1109.
  • Guillon F., Bouchet B., Jamme F., Robert P., Quémener B., Barron C., Larré C., Dumas P., Saulnier L. (2011). Brachypodium distachyon grain: characterization of endosperm cell walls. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62(3), 1001-1015.
  • Lafond M., Bouza B., Eyrichine S., Bonnin E., Crost E H., Geraert P. A., Giardina T., Ajandouz E. (2011). An integrative in vitro approach to analyse digestion of wheat polysaccharides and the effect of enzyme supplementation. British Journal of Nutrition, 106(2), 264-273.
  • Lafond M., Tauzin A., Desseaux V., Bonnin E., Ajandouz E. H., Giardina T. (2011). GH10 xylanase D from Penicillium funiculosum: biochemical studies and xylooligosaccharide production. Microbial Cell Factories, 10, 8.
  • Louvet R., Rayon C., Domon J.M., Rusterucci C., Fournet F., Leaustic A., Crepeau M.J., Ralet M-C., Rihouey C., Bardor M., Lerouge P., Gillet F., Pelloux J. (2011). Major changes in the cell wall during silique development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry, 72(1), 59-67.
  • Onumpai C., Kolida S., Bonnin E., Rastall R. A. (2011). Microbial Utilization and Selectivity of Pectin Fractions with Various Structures. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(16), 5747-5754.
  • Quraishi U.M., Murat F., Abrouk M., Pont C., Confolent C., Oury F. X., Ward J., Boros D., Gebruers K., Delcour J. A., Courtin C. M., Bedo Z., Saulnier L., Guillon F., Balzergue S., Shewry P. R., Feuillet C., Charmet G., Salse J. (2011). Combined meta-genomics analyses unravel candidate genes for the grain dietary fiber content in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Functional & Integrative Genomics, 11(1), 71-83.
  • Robert  P., Jamme  F., Barron  C., Bouchet  B., Saulnier  L., Dumas  P., Guillon  F. (2011). Change in wall composition of transfer and aleurone cells during wheat grain development. Planta, 233(2), 393-406.
  • Rondeau-Mouro C., Ying R.F., Ruellet J., Saulnier L. (2011). Structure and organization within films of arabinoxylans extracted from wheat flour as revealed by various NMR spectroscopic methods. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 49, S85-S92.
  • Runavot J. L., Bakan B., Geneix N., Saulnier L., Moco K., Guillon F., Corbineau F., Boivin P., Marion D. (2011). Impact of Low Hydration of Barley Grain on beta-Glucan Degradation and Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP1) Modifications During the Malting Process. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(15), 8256-8264.
  • Saumonneau A., Rottier K., Conrad U., Popineau Y., Guéguen J., Francin-Allami M. (2011). Expression of a new chimeric protein with a highly repeated sequence in tobacco cells. Plant Cell Reports, 30(7), 1289-1302.
  • Sullivan S., Ralet M-C., Berger A., Diatloff E., Bischoff V., Gonneau M., Marion-Poll A., North H. M. (2011). CESA5 Is Required for the Synthesis of Cellulose with a Role in Structuring the Adherent Mucilage of Arabidopsis Seeds. Plant Physiology, 156(4), 1725-1739.
  • Tanhatan-Nasseri A., Crepeau M.J., Thibault J-F., Ralet  M.C. (2011). Isolation and characterization of model homogalacturonans of tailored methylesterification patterns. Carbohydrate Polymers, 86(3), 1236-1243.
  • Thevenin J., Pollet B., Letarnec B., Saulnier L., Gissot L., Maia-Grondard A., Lapierre C.,  Jouanin L. (2011). The Simultaneous Repression of CCR and CAD, Two Enzymes of the Lignin Biosynthetic Pathway, Results in Sterility and Dwarfism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant, 4(1), 70-82.
  • Toole G.A., Le Gall G., Colquhoun I.J., Johnson P., Bedo Z., Saulnier L., Shewry P. R., Mills E.N.C. (2011). Spectroscopic Analysis of Diversity of Arabinoxylan Structures in Endosperm Cell Walls of Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum) in the HEALTHGRAIN Diversity Collection. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(13), 7075-7082.
  • Videcoq P., Garnier C., Robert P.,  Bonnin E. (2011). Influence of calcium on pectin methylesterase behaviour in the presence of medium methylated pectins. Carbohydrate Polymers, 86(4), 1657-1664.
  • Ying R.F., Saulnier L., Rondeau-Mouro C. (2011). Films of arabinoxylans and beta-glucans extracted from cereal grains: Molecular motions by TD-NMR. Carbohydrate Polymers, 86(2), 812-822.
  • Ying R.F., Barron C., Saulnier L., Rondeau-Mouro C. (2011). Water mobility within arabinoxylan and beta-glucan films studied by NMR and dynamic vapour sorption. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91(14), 2601-2605.

Publications 2010

  • Benard C., Cultrone A., Michel C., Rosales C., Segain J.P., Lahaye M., Galmiche J.P., Cherbut C., Blottiere H.M. (2010). Degraded Carrageenan Causing Colitis in Rats Induces TNF Secretion and ICAM-1 Upregulation in Monocytes through NF-kappa B Activation. Plos One, 5(1), 1-11.
  • Bonnand-Ducasse M., Della Valle G., Lefebvre J., Saulnier L. (2010). Effect of wheat dietary fibres on bread dough development and rheological properties. Journal of Cereal Science, 52(2), 200-206.
  • Chateigner-Boutin A.L., Small I. (2010). Plant RNA editing. RNA Biology, 7(2), 213-219.
  • Larré C., Penninck S., Bouchet B., Lollier V., Tranquet O., Denery-Papini S., Guillon F., Rogniaux H. (2010). Brachypodium distachyon grain: identification and subcellular localization of storage proteins. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(6), 1771-1783.
  • Legland D., Guillon F., Kieu K., Bouchet B., Devaux M. F. (2010). Stereological estimation of cell wall density of DR12 tomato mutant using three-dimensional confocal imaging. Annals of Botany, 105(2), 265-276.
  • Lopez M., Bizot H., Chambat G., Marais M. F., Zykwinska A., Ralet M. C., Driguez H., Buléon A. (2010). Enthalpic Studies of Xyloglucan-Cellulose Interactions. Biomacromolecules, 11(6), 1417-1428.
  • Morris G.A., Ralet M-C., Bonnin E., Thibault J-F., Harding S.E. (2010). Physical characterisation of the rhamnogalacturonan and homogalacturonan fractions of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) pectin. Carbohydrate Polymers, 82(4), 1161-1167.
  • Nemeth C., Freeman J., Jones H. D., Sparks C., Pellny T. K., Wilkinson M. D., Dunwell J., Andersson A. M., Aman P., Guillon F., Saulnier L., Mitchell R.A.C., Shewry P.R. (2010). Down-Regulation of the CSLF6 Gene Results in Decreased (1,3;1,4)-beta-D-Glucan in Endosperm of Wheat. Plant Physiology, 152(3), 1209-1218.
  • Normand J., Ralet M-C., Thibault J-F., Rogniaux H., Delavault P., Bonnin E. (2010). Purification, characterization, and mode of action of a rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase from Irpex lacteus, tolerant to an acetylated substrate. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 86(2), 577-588.
  • Ralet M-C. (2010). Pectic oligosaccharides. In P. A. Williams & G. O. Phillips (Eds.), Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 15 (pp. 3-12). Cambridge: Royal Soc Chemistry. Book Chapter
  • Ralet M-C., Tranquet O., Poulain D., Moise A., Guillon F. (2010). Monoclonal antibodies to rhamnogalacturonan I backbone. Planta, 231(6), 1373-1383.
  • Saulnier L., Ducasse M., Chiron H., Della Valle G., Martin C., Issanchou S., Rouau X., Rizkalla S.W. (2010). Impact of texture modification and dietary fibre content on the glycemic index and the acceptability of French bread. In J. W. VanDerKamp, J. Jones, B. McCleary & D. Topping (Eds.), Dietary Fibre: New Frontiers for Food and Health (pp. 115-120). Wageningen: Wageningen Acad Publ. Book Chapter
  • Toole G.A., Le Gall G., Colquhoun I. J., Nemeth C., Saulnier L., Lovegrove A., Pellny T., Wilkinson M. D., Freeman J., Mitchell R.A.C., Mills E.N.C., Shewry P. R. (2010). Temporal and spatial changes in cell wall composition in developing grains of wheat cv. Hereward. Planta, 232(3), 677-689.
  • Valentin R., Cerclier C., Geneix N., Aguie-Beghin V., Gaillard C., Ralet M. C., Cathala B. (2010). Elaboration of Extensin-Pectin Thin Film Model of Primary Plant Cell Wall. Langmuir, 26(12), 9891-9898.
  • Williams M.A.K., Cucheval A., Nasseri A.T., Ralet M-C. (2010). Extracting Intramolecular Sequence Information from Intermolecular Distributions: Highly Nonrandom Methylester Substitution Patterns in Homogalacturonans Generated by Pectinmethylesterase. Biomacromolecules, 11(6), 1667-1675.
  • Winter H. T., Cerclier C., Delorme N., Bizot H., Quéméner B., Cathala B. (2010). Improved Colloidal Stability of Bacterial Cellulose Nanocrystal Suspensions for the Elaboration of Spin-Coated Cellulose-Based Model Surfaces. Biomacromolecules, 11(11), 3144-3151.

Date de modification : 29 novembre 2021 | Date de création : 21 novembre 2021 | Rédaction : R. Sibout